
Surgery is one of the major treatments used for Esophageal Cancer. The main type of surgery used is called as Esophagectomy. The goal of surgery is to remove the entire tumor and some normal-looking tissue around it. The normal looking tissue is called the surgical margin.


Esophageal Cancer Basis

The esophagus moves food from the throat to the stomach.
The wall of esophagus has four layers.
Cancer starts on the inside (the first layer) and grows towards the outside (fourth layer).
Squamous cell carcinoma usually starts in the middle or top part of esophagus.
Adenocarcinoma usually starts at the bottom of the esophagus, near the stomach.




Esophageal Cancer Basis


An Esophagostomy is a surgery to remove some (or all) of your esophagus and the nearby lymph nodes.

How much of the esophagus is removed depends on:

tumor size. 
tumor location along the esophagus. 
whether the cancer has entered the stomach.

Your treatment team:
Treating Esophageal Cancer takes a team of doctors and other experts, who meet on a weekly or biweekly basis to determine the best possible decisions for your care.



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